Key policies and governance approach
As a basic policy of environmental protection, Article 59 of the Constitution stipulates that the State shall protect the environment and balance the use of abundant natural resources and establish a precise plan of management of land, water, air, wind, geology, ecological system, mines, energy, petrol and gas, rocks and sand, gems, forests and forestry products, wildlife, fish and aquatic resources [9].
In 1996, the Law on Environment Protection and Natural Resource Management was enacted, followed by several relevant sub-decrees, including the Sub-Decree on the Water Pollution Control (1999) and Sub-Decree on the Control of Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance (2000) [9]. A Sub-Decree on the Implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process was also proclaimed in 1999, stipulating the nature and formats of assessment and the kind of projects required to do such assessment by their nature, size, activity, etc [9].
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) are conducted for public and private development projects in order to ensure harmonization with environment, social and culture as well as to contribute to sustainable development. The Strategic Plan on Environmental Impact Assessment 2016-2018 was developed for promoting the development of regulations and law enforcement, enhancing the efficiency in reviewing and commenting on ESIA reports for development projects and strengthening the efficiency in monitoring and evaluating of the implementation of projects [1].
Continuing partnerships with development partners and the private sector are required to improve waste management, collect data on sources of pollution including solid and liquid waste, and for the management and monitoring of industrial wastes. The Ministry of Environment has issued 5 sub-decrees related to waste management, which are the Sub-Decree on Municipal Solid Waste Management, Sub-Decree on Social Environmental Fund, Sub-Decree on the Management of Electrical and Electronic Waste, Sub-Decree on Plastic Bag Management and Sub-decree on the Management of Sewage System and Water Treatment [10].
In addition, the NESAP (2016-2023) includes amongst its desired outcomes: ‘Resources use efficiency measures are applied resulting in minimizing production inputs and pollution from air, solid, and liquid sources from industrial, urban, and agriculture for healthy environment and social well-being while increasing business competitiveness and incentivizing technological innovation’ [1].
The RGC has taken several measures to manage and reduce environmental and natural resources pressure and loss. However, the NESAP 2016-2023 highlights that more concerted efforts with adequate resources are required to effectively manage the drivers and impact on natural capital in Cambodia, especially by addressing limited financial resources and capacities, and inadequate awareness of the value and vulnerability of the natural capital [1].
The investment in environmental protection is still at a modest level, and greater funding is needed for more effective implementation, including for the development of infrastructure (sewage system, wastewater treatment plan) to support new regulations. It will be important to show that investing in environmental sustainability is profitable as evidenced by positive job creation, increased competitiveness in trade and better access to global markets [1].
In terms of waste management and pollution, key constraints include lack of awareness; limited effluent/emission treatment capacity by factories and absence of sound disposal options; ineffective enforcement and compliance with the law; and no engineered landfill sites or low‐emission incineration facilities available. Therefore, it is important to provide an assessment on the different levels of pollution and their subsequent impacts on biodiversity and human health as well as current and anticipated needs and capacity gaps so that proper actions can be taken effectively [1].
Initiatives and Development Plans
To cope with the ongoing challenges, the RGC has identified various strategies and plans including the important task of updating vital legal documents and establishing policies, plans and strategies on environmental protection. NESAP 2016-2023 listed many projects for implementation, some of which have already been funded. The total available and pending finance at the time NESAP was finalised was about US$263.5 million. Identified projects included (i) environmental governance reform for sustainable development; (ii) collaborative management for watershed and ecosystem service protection and rehabilitation in the Cardamon Mountains; (iii) green urban development programme; (iv) second Greater Mekong Sub-region corridor towns development project; (v) integrated urban environmental management in the Tonle Sap Basin; and (vi) understanding Tonle Sap Great Lake. [1].
The Phnom Penh Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2035 was developed to guide the Phnom Penh Capital Administration’s effort to improve waste management, through strengthening the collection, transportation, and disposal of waste, as well as promoting the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle of waste) and seeking the cooperation of those who produce the waste [11].
Goals and Ambitions
The Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2030 (CSDGs) highlight the RGC’s strong commitment to reduce environmental pollution. CSDGs aim to reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management (goal 11.6) and improve water quality by reducing pollution (goal 6.3) by 2030 [12].