This project will contribute to UN Environment Programme of Work Sub-programme 7 Environment under review, (iii) Strengthening of the science policy interface by countries based on the use of data, information and policy analysis in the areas of air quality, water quality, ecosystems, biodiversity, waste and hazardous chemicals, the marine environment and emerging issues.
UN Environment Programme's Sub-programme 7 includes the World Environment Situation Room project (WESR) and its application in support of the UN Country Team for the Common Country Analysis (CCA).

European Commission
The European Commission is committed to promoting sustainable development worldwide and is a leading global actor on the environment.
The Interactive Country Fiches are thanks to the generous support of the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA) of the European Commission.
The mission of the European Commission’s DG INTPA is to contribute to sustainable development, the eradication of poverty, peace, and the protection of human rights, through international partnerships that uphold and promote European values and interests.
GRID-Geneva is part of the Science Division of the UN Environment Programme's global group of environmental information centres, known as the Global Resource Information Database (GRID) network. GRIDs-Geneva and Nairobi were the first centres to be launched in mid-1985
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International Environment House
11 Chemin des Anémones
1219 Châtelaine
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