
The CAR has a relatively high endowment of natural capital, representing 23% of its total wealth. Physical capital represents only a small share of total wealth (7%), while intangible capital represents a much larger share of total wealth at 70% [1].  The country is rich in mineral resources, especially diamonds, which account for almost half of the country's total export earnings. Gold, uranium, iron ore, copper and manganese are mined in smaller quantities. Although encouraged by multilateral aid agencies to increase its exports, the Central African Republic has also been under pressure to protect its natural resources. Timber harvesting and diamond mining occur in places that are centers of great biodiversity [2].

Nonetheless, CAR's ecological footprint is very small and its biocapacity remains far greater than its current use, implying that the country could be on the path to sustainable development [1] .


The challenges of green growth and a climate resilient economy in the CAR remain particularly due to the protracted political crisis and conflicts; pressure on forest resources leading to deforestation; and poverty and dependence on resources, which hamper its green growth and continue making the country very vulnerable to the effects of climate change.


Key policies and governance approach

Key policies and governance approach is reflected in  the National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan in CAR for the period 2017-2023 (RCPCA) and, more particularly, in its Pillar 3, which is about promoting the Economic Recovery and the Stimulation of the Productive Sector in the CAR.


Successes and remaining challenges

The protracted political crisis and the high rate of poverty underlie the challenges of sustainable development and the prospects for a green economy in the CAR [3].


Initiatives and Development Plans

EU funding through the Bêkou trust fund has helped the country create a rapid and flexible tool to respond to the consequences of the 2013 crisis and to meet the immediate needs of the population, while ensuring a sustainable reconstruction of the Central African economy [4].  

22 were the programmes launched by the Trust Fund including some contributing to  reviving economic activity (rural development, support to local economic actors, microfinance).  These programmes are aligned with the National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan (RCPCA) adopted in October 2016 by the Central African State and its 3 pillars: (1) promote peace, security and reconciliation; (2) renew the social contract between the State and the population and (3) facilitate economic and productive sector recovery [4]. Six years after its creation, the projects funded by the Bêkou Trust Fund have already benefitted to more than 2.9 million Central Africans. Specifically, 19,000 income-generating activity supported as well as 1 million small-sscale farmers directed supported [4].


Goals and Ambitions

The CAR aims to become an emerging country by 2030, built on a diversified and sustainable economy.




  • The CAR would benefit from targeted research to increased knowledge on climate change related impacts on the agriculture sector.
  • The CAR  has high potential for other renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to expand the country’s clean energy portfolio. This would require significant investments and improved business regulation to promote private sector action and to support optimal action on developing renewable energy infrastructure.
  • It would be important for the CAR to finalize regulations to fund and implement impact studies regarding climate change impacts for the country and key sectors.